Thursday, December 13, 2012

Storage Wars Lawsuit: Lockers Were Staged

News of a Storage Wars lawsuit has hit the reality TV world like a ton of dusty old packing boxes. Now that more details of the claims that David Hester are making about the show have been revealed, it’s starting to sound a little more believable to me. I was with this show from the very beginning, and I’ll be honest, it never really occurred to me that it could be staged. Sure, it’s not that far fetched, but I just figured that somehow regular people left some really interesting things in storage and just stopped paying their bills. Anyway, the claim made by Hester is that producers would stop filming right in the middle of things and plant intriguing items in the lockers. The bidders featured on the show would then pretend to be really excited… doesn’t Barry come to mind on this one? Part of the claim is that it originally started off as a secret, where producers would do it without letting the cast know. Can you imagine how cheesy Dave, Barry, or Darryl feel knowing that some of the things they found in lockers were planted? That would piss me off… if this is true. RadarOnline [...]


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